Food For Fun is part of "Your Morning Coffee" show with host Gery Puraatmadja on FeMale Radio 97.9 FM Jakarta. Airing every Friday from 8am to 9am, Gery will be accompanied by co-host Ade Putri as the Foodtective. Here, we will discuss light topics about foods. Who doesn't love food anyway? :)


From Mrs. Vivian Anderson


I am Mrs. Vivian. Anderson from Kuwait married to a french national.
Presently I am in one of the hospitals here in Ivory Coast.

Myself and my late husband does not have any child that is why i am
donating this money to you having known my condition that i will join
my late husband soonest.
I wish to donate towards education and the less privileged i ask for
your assistance. I am suffering from colon cancer I have some few
weeks to live according to my doctor.

The money should be used for this purpose.
Motherless babies
Children orphaned by aids.
Destitute children
widows and widowers.
Children who cannot afford education.

My husband stressed the importance of education and the less
privileged I feel that this is what he would have wanted me to do with
the money that he left for charity.
These services bring so much joy to the kids. Together we are
transforming lives and building brighter futures - but without you, it
just would not be possible.


Mrs Vivian. Anderson

1 comment:

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